Many dental practitioners don’t realise how aesthetic products can treat many common dental issues. From gummy smiles to bruxism and smile design. Aesthetic treatment options deliver functional benefits, whilst providing a bridge into aesthetics.

Many practitioners don’t realise their future aesthetic patients are the same dental patients they currently see.

Want to hear more? Call or email our Aesthetics team:

Contact Centre: 0800 585 586

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“Dentists are best placed to deliver facial aesthetics. We have a keen aesthetic eye and are able to deliver precise injection techniques."
Dr Priya Gaind, Head of Clinical, DD

Find out how you can get started.

Continuous Development

Tailor Made for Dentists

DD have partnered with Dr Sheila Li to bring you a unique training course aimed at educating dentists on how to use Botulinum Neurotoxin to treat common functional dental complaints.

Click here for more information.

DR Donna Mills is an award winning dentist with a keen interest in cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry, skin ageing, facial aesthetics and business development. She talks about her experience combining dental and aesthetics.

“It has been quite a journey into facial aesthetics, one I find I am still on even after 15 years. I find the subject fascinating as well as the thrill of the results it yields for patients. And, to be honest and cynical to a point, the profit margins are a lot better than in dentistry.”