How often do I need my X-ray equipment inspecting?

Most manufacturers recommend you have an annual maintenance check.

For radiological testing, a test should be undertaken at least once every three years for intra-oral, panoramic, panoramic/cephalometric x-ray sets, and where quality assurance test object and accompanying analysis software is available, dental CBCT x-ray sets.  For CBCT x-ray equipment where QA test object and accompanying software is unavailable, and for hand-held dental x-ray sets, annual testing is recommended.

DD can undertake any the required testing of any of your x-ray equipment.

How long will an X-Ray set inspection take?

Our inspection usually takes 45 minutes for an intra-oral x-ray set (including hand-held x-ray sets) and an hour and a half for a panoramic x-ay set; with a cephalometric attachment some additional time may be required.  For CBCT x-ray equipment, the testing may take up to 4 hours.

What will our engineer do during a routine radiological test?

  • Ensure the x-ray set is switched off
  • Check serial number of the x-ray tube head
  • Mark down the operating potential [kV], tube current [mA] and filtration values from the tube head
  • Check the stability of the x-ray mount
  • Check for any damage to the x-ray tube head
  • Check the electrical and mechanical safety of the machine and provide an assessment of its condition
  • Switch on the x-ray set
  • Check the condition and operation of the x-ray exposure control
  • In the case of an intra-oral x-ray set, check the condition and operation of the counter-balanced arm and fittings
  • In the case of a panoramic/CBCT x-ray set, check the rotational movement of the x-ray tube head and the fittings
  • In the case of a cephalometric x-ray set which uses direct digital imaging, check the scanning motion of the image receptor with the x-ray tube head and, where applicable, the secondary collimator.
  • Check the operation of the dead man switch and/or emergency stops
  • Check the operation of the equipment warning lights and audible signals
  • For the routine performance testing, complete the required number of exposures and record the measurement results (eg patient entrance dose [mGy], operationating potential [kV], exposure time, filtration)
  • Undertake appropriate radiation measurements
  • Complete ‘Radiological Inspection’ documentation, accurately completing all relevant fields
  • Photograph the x-ray equipment as a record of any concerns noted on your paperwork
  • Highlight any discrepancies to you in relation to the electro-mechanical operation of the x-ray equipment
  • Ensure that the exposure settings are as found on arrival
  • Switch the x-ray set off
  • If you have Radiation Protection Consultancy (RPC) contract with DD, the results will be sent to DD's RPA/MPE for review and, for the routine performance testing, a brief formal report will then be issued to the practice

How much do you charge?

Pricing available on request phone 01376 391100.


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