Young Dental

2Tone Disclosing Tablets

PNF011 (Pack 250)
Young Dental code: 234225


Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time

Retail Price

Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time

Product Overview

2Tone Tablets reveal both older and newer plaque with an advanced multicolored formula. 2Tone turns newer plaque red and older plaque blue, showing patients the areas they consistently miss while brushing



Young Dental

2Tone Disclosing Tablets

PNF011 (Pack 250)
Young Dental code: 234225


Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time

Retail Price

Available to Order
Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time