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Showing 1 - 49 of 49 products
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Lingual Button Round
Lingual Button Rectangular
Lingual Button Curved
Bondable Flat Round Base Lingual Button
Kobayashi Twisted Ligatures 012
Freddy Ceramic Button
Bondable Contoured Lingual Buttons with hexagonal base
Caplin Steel Extrusion Hook
Lingual Button Flat
Stainless Steel Ligatures 010
Bondable Coil Eyelet
Eruption Extrusion Chain Gold Eyelet Round Base
Short Ligature Ties 010
Lingual Eyelet
Long Ligature Ties 010
Kobayashi Twisted Ligatures 014
Short Kobayashi Hooks 012
14k Gold Extrusion Hook with Chain
Kobayashi Ligatures 014
Stainless Steel Ligatures 010
Freddy Ceramic Button W/Hook
Short Steel Ligatures .008
Stainless Steel Coaxial .0155 6 Stranded
Stainless Steel Coaxial .0175 6 Stranded Straight Lengths
Nickel Titanium .018 15Ft Spool
Kobayashi Ligatures 012
Stainless Steel Ligatures 012
Nickel Titanium .016 15Ft Spool
Stainless Steel .019x.025 14" Lengths
Lingual CLEAT Curved
Stainless Steel Coaxial .0195 7 Strand
Nickel Titanium .014 15Ft Spool
Extrusion Hook / Eyelet Gold 24 kt with Chain Ovoid Bonding Base
Ligature Ties Short S/S Tooth Coloured
Extrusion Hook / Eyelet Gold 24 kt with Chain Caplin Hook Bonding Base
Kobayashi Legend 012" Twist
Ligature Ties Long S/S Tooth Coloured
Power Arm Bondable Right
Extrusion Hook / Eyelet Gold 24 kt with Chain Square Bonding Base
Power Arm Bondable Left
012 Kobayashi Ties
Archwire Template
Lingual CLEAT Flat
Bondable Lingual Cleats - Rectangular Base
Cleat- Small Bondable
Cleat-Large Bondable
Kobayashi Hook 014
Kobayashi Hook 012
Stainless Steel .018 14" Lengths