Clearance & Offers

    Service Details

    The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1992 states that equipment must be serviced and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. In addition, Healthcare regulation along with infection control related documents state that all equipment be serviced and maintained.

    Records of servicing, inspection and user validation checks must be kept and audited, and all members of staff must be fully trained in the safe operation of equipment prior to use.

    How often do I need my Compressor Servicing?

    We would recommend you have your compressor serviced in line with manufacturers' guidelines, which is normally annually.

    How long does a Compressor Service take?

    A compressor service normally takes 45 minutes to an hour.

    How much do you charge?

    Pricing available on request phone 01376 391100.



    How can we help you?